This survey reveals some valuable (yet disturbing) things about Millennials…

Millenials—that generation of people born in the early 1980s to the early 2000s—are already proving to be a particularly vexing problem for many employers and, according to a recently released Hartford survey, that may expand to the larger American economy in the future.
As Millenials change the face of business with their preferences and desires…and their oft-tattooed idiosyncracies, their aversion to specific industries—like retail, construction and manufacturing—may leave labor shortages in industries that help drive the American economy, according to BenefitsPro.

Only 7 percent of those millennials who participated in the study said they were interested in careers in those three industries. Other industries are also failing to attract these young leaders of the future, including insurance (4 percent) and wholesaling and utilities (3 percent each).

That, say the study’s authors, is a leadership disaster waiting to happen.

“The results reveal a quiet crisis — a generation of leaders who aren’t interested in many businesses that drive our nation’s economy,” said The Hartford’s Millennial Workplace Expert Lindsey Pollak. “Millennials can help close this leadership gap by widening their career searches and exploring jobs, salaries and benefits before writing off whole sectors of the U.S. job market.” [Emphasis added.]

[Read more here.] Regardless whether Millennials believe those industries are “beneath” them or not, someone will be needed to do the jobs in retail, construction and manufacturing.
The question then will be: If not Millennials, who?

Hartford’s Millennial Leadership 2015 Survey by

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