A new study on the costs of Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All proposal states that it would require more than doubling all federal taxes on individuals and corporations.
Sen. Bernie Sanders has, for many years, called for a single-payer healthcare system (aka Medicare for All), that would eliminate private insurers and put the government in charge of healthcare.
However, a new study by the Mercatus Center has raised significant doubt as to whether most Americans can afford Sanders’s scheme.
According to the study’s author, Charles Blahous, the costs of implementing a Medicare for All in the United States would add $32.6 trillion during the first 10 years of its implementation.
“For perspective on these figures,” states the study’s author, “consider that doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.”
Here’s the study:
Mercatus Medicare for All Study on Scribd
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